It can be frustrating coming up with a stellar idea for your bio just to be left stuck wondering how to add spaces in Instagram captions and bios. Staring at an overcrowded bio full of emojis just to add spaces just doesn’t click anymore.

Don’t fret, if you want a professional bio, just like mine, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll guide you through all the ways you can add spaces to your Instagram bio and captions.

Disclosure: This content may contain a few affiliate links, which means if you click on them, I will get a commission (without any extra cost to you).
shane barker instagram profile

Why It’s Necessary to Add Spaces on Instagram Bios and Captions

There's a reason why everyone is adding spaces to their Instagram bios and captions. Spacing in your bio makes the content look more organized and professional. Plus, it allows you to add more information without overcrowding your profile.

Let’s look at this example:

rocky mountain soap instagram profile
Image via Instagram

The Rocky Mountain Soap Company’s Instagram bio is neat and to the point. The added spaces in the Instagram caption make it easy to read.

They made creative use of adding a single line space to accentuate where the soap comes from, as well as adding another space before adding a link to their store.

Here are a few other reasons why you should consider Instagram caption spacing:

  • Makes content easier to read.
  • Makes it more visually appealing.
  • Allows you to include more information without making your profile look cluttered.
  • Makes your profile look professional.
  • If you use a lot of Instagram hashtags, line breaks can easily hide them, giving your Instagram caption a neat look neat.

Here’s another excellent example of using space within an Instagram caption.

First off, it’s easy to read. The competition rules are numbered, and the spacing used to separate the introduction of the competition, rules, and then terms are normal practices, but it wasn’t always the case. Instagram allowed adding spaces in bio and caption in 2022.

That doesn’t mean people weren’t adding Instagram caption spaces before that. There have been workarounds to adding spaces in captions and bios since Instagram’s inception.

How to Add Spaces to Your Instagram Bio and Captions

Without further ado, here are all the ways you can add spaces in your Instagram bio and captions.

1. Use the Latest Instagram App on Your Mobile Device

That’s right, you can do it on the mobile app now! On the mobile app, you can add spaces when writing captions and bios by simply hitting the “enter” key.

instagram keyboard enter key

Here’s how:

1. On the Instagram app, click on your profile photo in the bottom right corner.

instagram bio button

2. On your profile page, select “edit profile”.

instagram bio edit profile button

3. On the edit profile page, tap on “bio”.

edit instagram bio

4. Write your Instagram caption and add line breaks by using the enter key. Just remember, you need to add a single space at every line break; otherwise your bio will be formatted back to normal.

instagram bio how to add line breaks

5. You’ll need to make sure to add a single space press for each line break. Once done, simply press the arrow on the top right.

Here’s what a bio should look like if done correctly.

instagram bio example with line breaks

2. Make Invisible Line Breaks With Your Phone’s Notes App

In some cases, your Instagram might glitch, or there is a problem with the update, preventing you from simply adding the spaces within the app. Don’t worry, there are a few other ways to add spaces.

If you want to add invisible line breaks in your Instagram bio, caption, or comment, you can do it using the Notes app on your phone.

Some mobile devices will already have a note application installed. If not, you can find plenty of free note apps on the Google Play Store, as well as the Apple App Store.

note apps on the play store

Once you’ve downloaded the app, it’s fairly simple to use.

Here are the steps you need to follow to add an invisible line break to your Instagram bio or caption using this option:

1. Open the note app and write your caption/bio. When you need to add a line break, add one invisible space into the next line.

instagram space bar and how to add line breaks

2. Once done, copy the whole draft in the notes app. 

copy text on instagram bio

3. Then paste it into the Instagram bio or caption space.

paste text on instagram bio

And there you have it. A neatly spaced out bio, ready for the world to cast their gaze upon.

3. Make Line Breaks Using Emojis and Symbols on Instagram

The easiest way to add spaces in your Instagram bio and captions is by using symbols or emoticons. It’s also the fastest option to add line breaks, and you can still type directly into the Instagram app.

If you want to use symbols, here are some options you can use:

  • Period OR (.)
  • Dash OR (-)
  • Em Dash OR —
  • Asterisk OR ✱ 

You can use these characters wherever you need a blank space in your Instagram bio or caption. And this extra character will act as the space between paragraphs, effectively creating line breaks in your Instagram bio, comment, or caption.

Alternatively, you can even include emoticons to add an element of fun to your captions. If you're like most people, you probably use emoticons to add a little bit of personality to your texts. But did you know that emoticons can also be used to add visual interest to your Instagram posts?

Here is an example:

Image via Instagram

The main problem with this option for adding spaces and line breaks in Instagram captions and bios is that the symbol will be visible in your Instagram bio or caption. 

If that’s not a problem for you, you should go ahead with this method. Get creative with symbols and emojis and make your caption look more appealing.

Here’s how to add spaces in Instagram captions using this option:

  1. Type your Instagram bio or caption into the bio or caption area on Instagram.
  2. When you need a line break, tap on the “Enter” button on your keypad.
  3. Add the symbol or emoji in the next line. You can add a period to make it as minimally visible as possible in your Instagram bio or caption.
  4. Tap on “Enter” again and start typing the next paragraph.
  5. If you want more line breaks between two paragraphs, you can keep repeating steps 1 and 2 in your Instagram bio or caption, as needed.

4. Use an Instagram Tool or App Like PostBuilder to Add Line Breaks

You can also use the PostBuilder app to add space in your bio, captions, and comments.

The best part is that you don’t have to use characters like dots and hyphens, which can look messy in your caption copy.

Here are the steps you need to follow to use this tool to add spaces:

1. Find PostBuilder on the Apple App Store.

2. Download their app on your iOS device.

3. Start typing your caption copy in PostBuilder as you want it to appear on Instagram.

4. Once you’re done, hit the “Copy Caption” button above the box. This action will automatically copy whatever you’ve typed to your clipboard.

how to copy text on postbuilder

5. Open Instagram and simply paste this copy into your Instagram bio, captions, or comments to create line breaks.

pasting postbuilder text on instagram bio

Once done, press the checkmark on the top right, and your bio or caption should be done, like below.

finished instagram bio with line breaks

Best Practices to Follow When Adding a Line Break to Instagram

Now that we’ve got the hang of adding line breaks into Instagram captions and bios, there are some general practices to remember when creating captions and bios with spaces.

1. Avoid Writing Directly on the Instagram App

If you’re looking to create professional captions that grab the reader's attention, then you shouldn’t be using Instagram’s editor.

Instead, you should be using excellent scheduling apps and caption/bio creators and editors available on PC, Android, and iOS. Some examples of these tools are PostBuilder,, Caption, and social media platforms like Inflact and Kicksta.

2. Take Out Extra Spaces

As mentioned earlier, the whole point of Instagram caption spacing is to make the content look neat, and read easily. With that in mind, adding a bunch of line breaks between two lines can be jarring.

Try to keep your paragraphs separated by a single-line break unless it’s absolutely necessary.

3. Use Line Breaks for Comments

Line breaks aren’t just for captions and bios. If you’re writing comments that are longer than a line or two, it might be better to add line breaks. This will make your comments easier to read, as well as help you emphasize certain parts of the comment.

To do this, you can simply use a notes or a captions tool like PostBuilder, write and copy your comment, and simply paste it in the comment section.


Q1. How can you add paragraph spaces in your Instagram captions and bio?

A. You can add paragraph spaces in your Instagram bio and captions by using the below method:

– Write your caption.
– Press “Enter” or the “Return” key when you want to end a paragraph.

With the new Instagram update, this method will add line breaks between paragraphs in your Instagram captions. If it doesn’t work, you can update your app. Alternatively, you can use third-party apps like GramSpacer to make your caption look more polished with added blank spaces.

Q2. Why don’t return spaces appear in my Instagram posts?

A. You may be using an older version of the app. The latest Instagram update allows users to add line breaks between paragraphs when they press “Enter” or the “Return” key.

When you type captions on Instagram with return spaces and line breaks, the formatting you do will disappear when you publish the post.

To avoid this, you should type your captions in the Notes app or in apps such as GramSpacer and copy-paste them from there to your Instagram post. This will help you add spaces and line breaks in your Instagram posts.

Q3. How can you make your bio on Instagram into a list?

To make your bio on Instagram into a list, you should press on “Enter” or the “return” key when you want to start a new line. That way, you will be able to create a list on your Instagram bio. This option should work in the latest version of the Instagram app. 

If it doesn’t work for you, please try updating your app. Alternatively, you can use apps like GramSpacer to add line breaks in Instagram bios.

Q4. How to make an Instagram bio into multiple lines?

To make your Instagram bio go on for multiple lines, you can simply press “Return” or “Enter” key when you want to make a new line in your Instagram bio.

Ready to Make Your Instagram Bio & Captions Look Professional and Aesthetically Pleasing?

If you're anything like me, you're probably guilty of posting the occasional “wall of text” on Instagram. And while I'm all for getting my point across in as few words as possible, I know that sometimes you need to be a little verbose. 

In such instances, blank space can go a long way in making your post more readable (and, let's be honest, more visually appealing).

Adding line breaks on Instagram bio and captions can significantly improve the user experience as well. So the next time you sit to write your Instagram captions or bio, use any of the methods listed in this post. It'll make a world of difference!

Did you find this guide helpful? Have you faced any issues with adding spaces in your Instagram bio or captions? Let us know in the comments below.


  1. All my envy for the perfect original inspiring influencers is gone after reading this!
    Thnx for explicit yet compact description

    1. Shane Barker says:

      Glad this post helped you 🙂

  2. Thank you for this!!!! I have been so aggravated.

    1. Shane Barker says:

      I’m glad this post could help 🙂

  3. Hey, so I’ve used notes with my captions, but when I copy and paste in IG, it removes all the spaces and and everything just gets bunched up again. My phone is updated, IG is updated… what gives? (using an Apple 6S)

    1. Shane Barker says:

      Okay, try copy pasting the spaces I am adding below:

      [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀]

      You can remove the brackets after you paste it in the caption.

  4. Marie-Luise Smith says:

    Thanks, Shane. I couldn’t figure out why it would delete the space, even when I wrote it in my note app. Such a small thing, such a big difference. Thanks, again.

    1. Shane Barker says:

      I know, right? Just a few simple tricks can make your captions neater 🙂

  5. omg tysm the invisible symbol things help soooo much

    1. Shane Barker says:

      I’m glad this post helped you 🙂

  6. Lisa Sicard says:

    Hi Shane, what about using scheduling apps to do that? I use Agorapulse and I can add in spaces and such with it. Do you also recommend using the —– between paragraphs? and before the keywords?
    Thank you, Instagram has really become complicated today and not just a fun app to share photos from years ago 🙂

    1. Shane Barker says:

      I think Buffer and Later could also be good options. I recommend using breaks between paragraphs. It could in the form of a space, “.”, or anything that suits your style.

  7. Is it impossible to do linebreaks and spacing for instagram comments??
    I feel thats something no one has figured out

    1. Shane Barker says:

      You could try the same tricks mentioned in the article for Instagram comments as well.

  8. Hi! This article has been so helpful for me. Thanks! But, after the most recent Apple iOS update (October 2019) the pasting if the spaces between brackets hasn’t been working. The formatting is all messed up. Might you have another option/way to overcome this?? Thanks so much.

    1. Shane Barker says:

      You could try copy pasting the spaces I am adding below:

      [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀]

      You can remove the brackets after you paste it in the caption. Let me know if the formatting is ok now.

  9. Would you please clarify Option 2. Do I type my words within [ ] then remove the brackets before sharing on IG?

    1. Shane Barker says:

      You can type out your paragraphs in your Instagram caption. Copy-paste the spaces from your Notes app to add spacing between the paragraphs.

  10. Mohit Kumar Jain says:

    I’ve read the blog and it is up to the mark and informative.

    1. Shane Barker says:

      Great to hear that 🙂

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